Children’s Ministries

Welcome to Children's Ministry

Children and their families are important at Community. Through a variety of ministries, we serve infants and children through 5th grade. We offer a place where children will feel welcome, valued and cared for as they are introduced to who Jesus is and learn how to be a committed follower throughout their lives. Our vision is to help children develop and deepen a personal relationship with Jesus as they learn to love God and love their neighbors.


Summer means Vacation Bible School! This exciting week (June 16-19, 2025) is like none you have ever experienced. Kids will travel with crews for creative Bible stories, crafty crafts, high-energy worship, and exciting games. Children age 4 to entering 5th grade are encouraged to come and bring their friends.

Children's Ministry Has THE BEST TEAM of Volunteers

Children's Ministry is looking for more amazing volunteers to teach on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Benefits include unlimited high-fives, free crayons, and the opportunity to lead a child to accept Jesus as their Savior. If you are passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with kids, please email for details.

Sunday Mornings

Nursery is available during all Sunday morning services and provides a nurturing environment for children birth thru 3 years old. Our trained supervisors are excited to have the opportunity to serve your children as they begin their walk with Jesus.

Sunday School for children 3 years old thru 5th grade is offered September - May during all services.

BreakAway Kids (ages 3-Kindergarten) is available during our 10:30am services for the summer months (June-August).

All children are also welcome in all worship services!

Wednesday Nights

Kids@Community Fun Night (September-March) is for children Kindergarten thru 5th grade. All the fun - worship, lesson, games and crafts, happens between 6-7:30pm.

Camp Ministries

Each summer, Camp Geneva and Cran Hill Ranch offer a variety of camping experiences for children and youth. If the cost of summer camp makes it difficult for you to send your kids, we want to help. If you are a member, regular attender of Community, or your children are regular attenders in our programs, please call or email the church office for a voucher code. The camp brochure becomes available in February. Plan to have your child attend a life-changing week!